New York City Department of Education. There, he and Chris Rush, a consultant, developed School of One, a method for math teachers to personalize instruction, and brought it into three middle schools. Rose and Rush then left the city department and established New Classrooms Innovation Partners, a private nonprofit organization that now works with schools to use Teach to One, a program that evolved from School of One. Its still called School of One when used in New York City, where the schools do not pay licensing fees since it originated at the Department of Education. So far, the program is used in only 3. New York, New Jersey, Washington, D. C., North Carolina and Georgia. Results are positive but not uniformly so. Its a work in progress but one with great potential. M. S. 8. 8 has been using School of One in one of the three academies into which it is divided. The program requires a large upfront investment. The school knocked down three walls to create a giant classroom, and Ailene Altman Mitchell, the principal, said she also spent 1. The classroom is the size of four rooms, its divisions marked with shelving and different colored carpet and chairs. When I visited last month, all four seventh grade math teachers and some aides circulated, teaching 1. As math class begins, students find their names on airport style monitors outside the room, which tell them where to go. The different areas are named for high schools in Brooklyn. Peter Russo, the assistant principal, said that last year the school made the mistake of using New York sports teams. They were dropped when this proved too depressing. The monitors also tell the students which of several learning modalities they will use. That day, some answered questions at a computer. A few feet away, others did work sheets in pairs. Five students sat at a table with a teacher, solving equations. At one end of the room, Reisman worked with 2. Subject matter varied simplifying equations, subtracting negative numbers, graphing expressions on a number line, and solving story problems about probability. At one table, Tianna, Romel and Danielle were hunched over work sheets of probability problems involving gumballs. Work sheets also offered wrong answers, and asked students to identify the mistakes that led to them. The three were discussing the errors, and endorsed the method. It engages kids, said Tianna. You dont get bored listening to the teachers. And the computers make it more fun. Romel and Danielle said they liked working in groups. M. S. 8. 8 is part of a broad evolution in teaching math, employing technology to provide students with a lesson personalized for each. The first step, now widespread, was the digital lesson, usually a computer game or video. The best known web provider, Khan Academy, is free. But there are many other sources of digital lessons, from pricey packages created by education companies to rudimentary videos that teachers make at home. Computers can also administer and grade math quizzes some choose the next question depending on how the student did on the previous one. If a student tests her mastery with a short exit quiz every day at the end of the lesson, the teacher and student can know quickly whether the student is learning, and how the student learns best. School of One has both components. New Classrooms has a library of 1. Pearson and IXL. About a third are online, and the rest are taught live. And every math class ends with each student taking an online quiz that tests whether she has mastered todays lesson. But the next step is the real innovation the educational equivalent of an air traffic control system. Each students daily exit quiz is fed into an algorithm, which produces the next days schedule for each student and teacher. Teachers get a preview, and can override the schedule. If a student has mastered a skill, on to the next one. If not, she gets another days instruction, this time through a different modality. The algorithm is aware of which modalities work best for her. Its an enormous departure from traditional teaching. Justin Reich, a scholar on educational technology at Harvards Berkman Center for Internet and Society, said other digital learning platforms try to integrate all the pieces, but School of One is the most comprehensive. Technology has proven to be good at assessing students computational abilities very, very quickly, he said. But weve had a lot of difficulty translating that model of what students know into actionable information. The information we give teachers is either too coarse or too fine. Its either Johnny cant do math or here are 1. I cant look at all that. The value proposition of School of One is by telling you what the next instructional step is, well help you thread between that. Many brands of technology save teachers from spending time making up and grading tests. School of One also regroups students and matches them with the just right lesson. In a regular classroom, you do the best you could, said Reisman. But this does it every night for you. Is School of One a timesaver overall Not necessarily, said Yaron Bohbot, M. S. 8. 8s math coach, and a former coach with New Classrooms. The collaboration School of One requires takes extra time, he said, but teachers can spend less time on rote work. Bowel Sound Learning Module Grade© 2017