Fords Partner Recognition XPlan Vehicle Pricing Program allows eligible XPlan Partner companies employees and members to save more with employee pricing. Carl von Ossietzky Wikipedia. Carl von Ossietzky 3 October 1. May 1. 93. 8 was a Germanpacifist and the recipient of the 1. Pochoirs du groupe Nice Art et arts de la rue. Graphik Black Fontaine' title='Graphik Black Fontaine' />Nobel Peace Prize for his work in exposing the clandestine German re armament. He was convicted of high treason and espionage in 1. Germanys violation of the Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding an air force, the predecessor of the Luftwaffe, and training pilots in the Soviet Union. In 1. 99. 0, his daughter, Rosalinde von Ossietzky Palm, called for a resumption of proceedings, but the verdict was upheld by the Federal Court of Justice in 1. Early lifeeditOssietzky was born in Hamburg, the son of Carl Ignatius von Ossietzky 1. Protestant from Upper Silesia, and Rosalie ne Pratzka, a devout Catholic who wanted her son to enter Holy Orders, and become a priest or monk. His father worked as a stenographer in the office of a lawyer and senator,who but died when Carl was two years old. Ossietzky was baptized as a Roman Catholic in Hamburg on 1. November 1. 88. 9, and confirmed in the Lutheran Hauptkirche St Michaelis on 2. March 1. 90. 4. 2The von in Ossietzkys name, which would generally suggest noble ancestry, is of unknown origin. Ossietzky himself explained, perhaps half in jest, that it derived from an ancestors service in a Polish lancer cavalry regiment the Elector of Brandenburg was unable to pay his two regiments of lancers at one point due to an empty war chest so he instead conferred nobility upon the entirety of the two regiments. Despite his failure to finish Realschule a form of German secondary school, Ossietzky succeeded in embarking on a career in journalism, with the topics of his articles ranging from theatre criticism to feminism and the problems of early motorization. He later said that his opposition to German militarism during the final years of the German Empire under Wilhelm II led him, as early as 1. That year, he married Maud Lichfield Wood, a Mancuniansuffragette, born a British colonial officers daughter and the great granddaughter of an Indian princess in Hyderabad. They had one daughter, Rosalinde. During World War I, Ossietzky was drafted much against his will into the Army, and his experiences during the war where he was appalled by the carnage of the war confirmed him in his pacifism. During the Weimar Republic 1. Discovery of illegal German rearmamenteditIn 1. German government founded the Arbeits Kommandos work squads led by Major Bruno Ernst Buchrucker. Officially a labor group intended to assist with civilian projects, in reality they were used by Germany to exceed the limits on troop strength set by the Treaty of Versailles. Buchruckers Black Reichswehr took its orders from a secret group in the German Army known as Sondergruppe R comprising Kurt von Schleicher, Eugen Ott, Fedor von Bock and Kurt von Hammerstein Equord. Buchruckers Black Reichswehr became infamous for its practice of murdering Germans suspected of working as informers for the Allied Control Commission. The killings perpetrated by the Black Reichswehr were justified under the so called Femegerichte secret court system under which secret trials were conducted that the victims were unaware of, and after finding the accused guilty, the Black Reichswehr would send out a man to execute the courts sentence of death. The killings were ordered by the officers from Sondergruppe R. Regarding the Femegerichte murders, Ossietzky wrote Lieutenant Schulz charged with the murder of informers against the Black Reichswehr did nothing but carry out the orders given him, and that certainly Colonel von Bock, and probably Colonel von Schleicher and General Seeckt, should be sitting in the dock beside him. Reflecting his pacifism, Ossietzky became secretary of the German Peace Society Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft. The Homeless LefteditWeltbhne cover, 1. March 1. 92. 9In the 1. Ossietzky became one of the leaders of the homeless left, centered on the newspaper Die Weltbhne, which rejected Communism but found the Social Democrats too inclined to compromise with the old order. Ossietzky often complained that the men who staffed the bureaucracy, the judiciary and the military under the Kaiser German Emperor Wilhelm II were the same men serving the Weimar Republic, something that was a major concern for him as he frequently warned that these men had no commitment to democracy, and would turn on the republic at the first chance. In this regard, Ossietzky at Die Weltbhne helped to publish a statistical study in 1. German judges were inclined to impose extremely harsh sentences on those who broke laws in the name of the left, while imposing very lenient sentences on those who committed violence in the name of the right. He often drew a contrast between the fate of the Social Democrat Felix Fechenbach who was imprisoned after a questionable trial for publishing secret documents showing that Reich was responsible for World War I and that of the Navy Captain Hermann Ehrhardt of the Freikorps whose men occupied Berlin during the Kapp Putsch, killed several hundred civilians and was never tried for his actions. At the same time, Ossietzky was often critical of those republicans who claimed to believe in democracy without actually knowing what democracy meant. Ossietzy was especially critical of the Reichsbanner Schwarz Rot Gold Reich Banner Black Red Gold, the paramilitary group set up by the Social Democrats to defend democracy. Ossietzky wrote in 1. Whoever has learned from the events of the past five years knows that it is not the nationalists, the monarchists who represent the real danger, but the absence of substantive content and ideas in the concept of the German republic and that no one will succeed in vitalizing that concept. Defense of the republic is good. It is better to go beyond that to an understanding of what in the republic is worth defending and what should not be retained. This question escapes the Reichsbanner more precisely, it has probably not yet recognized that such a question even exists. Our republic is not yet an object of mass consciousness but a constitutional document and a governmental administration. When people want to see the republic, they are shown the Wilhelmstrasse. And then one wonders why they return home somewhat shamed. Nothing is there to make the heart beat faster. Around this state, lacking any ideas and with an eternally guilty conscience, there are grouped a couple of so called constitutional parties, likewise lacking an idea and with no better conscience, which are not led, but administered. Administered by a bureaucratic caste that is responsible for the misery of recent years in domestic and foreign affairs and that smothers all signs of fresh life with a cold hand. If the Reichsbanner does not find within itself the idea, the inspiring idea, and the youth does not finally storm the gates, then it will not become the avant garde of the republic, but the cudgel guard of the partycrats, and their interests will be defended foremost, not the republic. And the effect The Reichsbanner honors the constitution with festivals the Reichsbanner goose steps the Reichsbanner drapes Potsdam in black red gold the Reichsbanner scrapes with the Communists and Fechenbach sits in the penitentiary. That is the joke of it. But if the Reichsbanner had as many determined fellows among its members as Captain Erhardt, then Fechenbach would no longer be sitting in the penitentiary today. French democrats rescued their Spanish brothers in the cause, whom they did not even know by sight, from the claws of a dictator. The thought of an injustice committed somewhere in the world kept them from sleeping. The German democrats and socialists are more solidly organized. It is not at all true that they are as weak kneed as is always believed it is just that they have terribly thick skin. Besides, they are faithful to the law and to the constitution. JRGEN KLAUKE Biografie. JRGEN KLAUKE1. 94. Lebt und arbeitet seit 1. Kln. seit 1. 99. Professur an der Kunsthochschule fr Medien, Kln. EINZELAUSSTELLUNGEN Auswahl1. Zeichnungen und Radierungen, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn Kat. Galerie Kochs, Kln. Galerie Kochs, Kln. Galerie De Appel, Amsterdam. Galerie Li Tobler, Zrich. Galerie Venster, Rotterdam. Galerie Space, Wiesbadenartothek, Kln. Galerie ak, Frankfurt a. M. 1. 97. 7Galerie Eric und Xiane Germain, Paris. Petersen Galerie, Berlin. Harlekin Art, Wiesbaden. Galerie Jllenbeck, Kln. Stdtisches Kunstmuseum, Dsseldorf. Galerie Ursula Schurr, Stuttgart. Fotoarbeiten und Zeichnungen, Galerie Klein, Bonn. Galerie Dany Keller, Mnchen. Formalisierung der Langeweile, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn Kunstmuseum Luzern Kat. Galerie Vera Munro, Hamburg. Galerie Schneider, Konstanz. Galerie ak, Frankfurt a. M. Modern Art Galerie, Wien. Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Kln. Formalisierung der Langeweile, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz Kat. Galerie Pablo Sthli, Zrich. Art in Progress, Mnchen. Very de Nada. Fotoarbeiten und Zeichnungen, Galerie Klein, Bonn. Moderne Kunst Dietmar Werle, Kln. Galerie ak, Frankfurt a. M. 1. 98. 6Griffe ins Leere Very de Nada, Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preuischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin Kat. Eine Ewigkeit ein Lcheln. Zeichnungen, Fotoarbeiten, Performances 1. Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe Kat. Eine Ewigkeit ein Lcheln. Zeichnungen, Fotoarbeiten, Performances 1. Hamburger Kunsthalle Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam Museum Ludwig, Kln Kat. Prosecuritas Griffe ins Leere, Galerie Udo Bugdahn, Dsseldorf KnstlerbuchModerne Kunst Dietmar Werle, Kln. Galerie ak, Frankfurt a. M. Galerie Bama, Paris. Galerie Pablo Sthli, Zrich. Stottern Stammelnlnglich, Galerie Klein, Bonn. Galerie ak, Frankfurt a. M. Prosecuritas. Very de Nada, Halle Sud, Genf Knstlerbuch1. Zeichnungen und Fotoarbeiten, Galerie Hermeyer, Mnchen. Prosecuritas. Travaux photo 1. Galerie Pierre Bernard, Nizza. Galerie Pablo Sthli, Zrich. Prosecuritas, Moderne Kunst Dietmar Werle, Kln. The Big Sleep, Sonntagsneurosen, Galerie und Edition Gutsch, Berlin. Prosecuritas, Galerie Claudine Papillon, Paris. Photo Editionen, Trans. Art Exhibitions, Kln. Sonntagsneurosen, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden Baden Kunstmuseum Dsseldorf Kat. Fotoarbeiten, Galerie Hermeyer, Mnchen. Arbeiten auf Papier 1. Kunstverein Braunschweig Kat. Sonntagsneurosen, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dsseldorf 1. Stephen Heros, Galerie Hermeyer, Mnchen Kat. Stottern Stammelnlnglich, Galerie Klein, Bonn. Sonntagsneurosen, Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke, Belgien. Prosecuritas, Kunsthalle Bielefeld Kat. Sonntagsneurosen, Galerie Axel Holm, Ulm. Prosecuritas, manus presse, Stuttgart. Jrgen Klauke. Cindy Sherman, Sammlung Ingvild Goetz, Mnchen Kat. Stottern Stammelnlnglich, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dsseldorf Knstlerbuch1. Stellvertreter und Sonntagsneurosen, Galerie Rigassi, Bern Kat. Prosecuritas, MS Arte Noah, Kunstverein Wrzburg. Les nvroses du dimanche et autres pices, Galerie Bouqueret Lebon, Paris. La Chaufferie, Galerie de lEcole des Arts Dcoratifs de Strasbourg, Straburg. Arbeiten auf Papier Fotoarbeiten, Showroom und Galerie Pablo Sthli, Zrich. PhantomempfindungPhantom Sensation, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga The Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan Kat. Desastrses Ich, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dsseldorf. Galerie Schlehn, Hannover. Nebenstrmung, Galerie Klein, Bad Mnstereifel. Nebenwirkung. Side Effect, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prag Kat. Galerie Aufzeit, Berlin. Obsessionen des Seins, Galleria Photo Co., Turin. Fotografien und Zeichnungen, Lindinger Schmid, Regensburg. Fotoarbeiten 1. 97. Auswahl, Kunstverein Ulm. Desastrses Ich, Galerie Lutz Teutloff, Bielefeld. Obra Fotogrfica 1. Galera Helga de Alvear, Madrid. Galerie Sollertis, Toulouse. Fotoarbeiten, Galerie in der Alten Post, Kunstverein Eislingen. Desastrses Ich und Sonntagsneurosen, Andre Simoens Gallery, Knokke, Belgien. Desastrses Ich, Rupertinum, Museum fr moderne und zeitgenssische Kunst, Salzburg KnstlerbuchDesastrses Ich, Galera Metropolitana, Barcelona. Absolute Windstille. Jrgen Klauke Das fotografische Werk 1. Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, Bonn und The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg Kat. Galerie Cent 8, Paris Maison Europenne de la Photographie, Paris Kat. El yo desastroso, MIAC, Arrecife, Kat. Absolute Windstille. Jrgen Klauke Das fotografische Werk 1. Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg Kat. Helga de Alvear, Madrid. Galerie Cent 8, Paris. Galleria Photo Co., Turin. Photo. Art, mit Katharina Sieverding, Goethe Institut Singapur. Phantomschmerz, Galerie Hermeyer, Mnchen. Heimspiel, Galerie Hans Mayer, Dsseldorf Kat. Selfperformance, mit Cindy Sherman, Stiftung Weimarer Klassik und Kunstsammlungen. Hoffnungstrger, Aspekte des desastrsen Ich. Museum Moderner Kunst, Passau. Selbstgesprche, Galerie Klein, Bad Mnstereifelworks from the early 1. Galerie RitterZamet, London. Neue Fotoarbeiten, Galerie Hans Mayer, Dsseldorf. Paranoia, Galerie Helga de Alvear, Madrid. Jrgen Klauke. La Nuova Pesa, Centro per lArte Contemporanea, Rom. EINSAMZWEISAM, Galerie Serge Le Borgne, Parissthetische Paranoia, Andr Simoens Galerie, Knokke. Attraktive Attraktoren, Galerie Photo Co., Turin. Aesthetische Paranoia, Fotoarbeiten, Video und Sprachrume 2. ZKM Karlsruhe KatalogFotoarbeiten 1. Fiction 100 13Th Edition. Galerie Elisabeth Klaus Thoman, Innsbruck. Sonntagsneurosen Video Intallationen, Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt am Main. Fotoarbeiten der 7. Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin. Aesthetische Paranoia, Fotoarbeiten, Video und Sprachrume 2. Museum der Moderne Mnchsberg, Salzburg KatalogHin und Her, Galerie Hans Mayer, Dsseldorf. Paranoia, Andr Simoens, Knokkesthetische Paranoia, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg. KUK der Stdte. Region Aachen. Galerie Helga de Alvear, Madrid Galerie Hans Mayer, Dsseldorf. Galerie Thoman, Wien. Galerie Guido Baudach Berlin Charlottenburg. Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt am Main. Ziemlich, Tageszeichnungen 1. Galerie Guido Baudach, Berlinsthetische Paranoia, Galerie Klaus Gerrit Friese, Stuttgart. Desastrses Ich, Galerie Hans Mayer, Dsseldorf. La Chambr, Strassburg, sthetische Paranoia. KUK Monschau, Gina Lee Felber Jrgen Klauke. Annely Juda Fine Art, London, sthetische Paranoia. Esspavisor Valencia, Jrgen Klauke Sergio Zevallos. Koenig Clinton, New York, Jrgen Klauke Transformer Photoworks from the 1. Galerie Thoman, Innsbruck, Jrgen Klauke. Stdtische Galerie Cordonhaus, Cham, Krperzeichen Sonntagsneurosen. Kulturzentrum Sinsteden, Acedia Formalisierung der Langweile. GRUPPENAUSSTELLUNGEN Auswahl1. Transformer, Aspekte der Travestie, Kunstmuseum Luzern Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz Kat. Manon, Galerie Li Tobler, Zrich. Transformer, Aspekte der Travestie, Museum Bochum Kat. Kunstpreis Junger Westen. Akt 7. 5, Stdtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen Kat. Art Information Festival, De Vleeshal, Middelburg Kat. Klner Knstler Blume, Klauke, Mields, Marx, Paeffgen, Prager, Klnischer Kunstverein Kat. Krpersprache, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin Kat. Krpersprache, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt a. M. Kat. Schuh Werke. Aspekte zum Menschenbild, Kunsthalle, Nrnberg Kat. Eros und Sex in der Kunst des 2. Jahrhunderts, Galerie Rothe, Heidelberg Kat. Artistes de Cologne, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Lille Kat. Fotografie als Kunst Kunst als Fotografie II, Photography as Art Art as Photography II, Auswrtiges Amt, Warschau Museum Stuky, Lodz, Polen Kat. Sequenzen. Fotofolgen zeitgenssischer Knstler, Kunstverein Hamburg Haus am Waldsee, Berlin Kat. Montreal 0. Premires Rencontres Internationales dArt Contemporain, Montreal Kat. Das Sofortbild Polaroid, Aktionsgalerie, Bern Kat. Das Schubladenmuseum, Kunsthaus Zrich Kat. Malerei und Photographie im Dialog von 1.
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