This might even remind you of last years experiment where a scientist seemed to prove that black holes radiate, but used sound waves instead of real particles. But the scientists I spoke to, both those involved and outside sources, assured me that Albert Einsteins theories imply that the temperature gradient and the energy gradient in gravity can be treated similarly. If something works for one, it should work for the other. No one doubts the analogy between energy radiance and gravitational fields, Sachdev told me. This is pretty good as far as Im concerned. And observing the effect with gravity would be more or less impossible. Youd need a strong gravitational field, Sachdev said. Youd probably have to go near a black hole, which no one has ever done. 3D Style Pack Wondershare Serial For Mac more. You also might wonder why IBM cares about this. Aside from being a cool proof that the shape of space itself can influence particles, having this level of control over the behavior of moving electric charges could have important technological applications. Theres long been a thought that we could generate electricity simply through heat gradients, changing temperatures in some electricity generating medium. But this is a very inefficient process, said Gooth. Thats because normal electrons are bad at this heat conversion process. But we believe now with this gravitational anomaly we can circumvent certain limits and make this conversion very very efficient. The thought is that one day in the future, this gravitational anomaly might let you charge your phone by rubbing it against your pants. Everyone I spoke to seemed to agree that these applications were far off, and were mainly excited about the observation of this wacky behavior in a wacky system. And theres no limit to imagining where else it might occur. This gravitational anomaly is obeyed in all certain kinds of physical systems, said Gooth. It has to be obeyed in stars, the early universe or in our transistors.