List of well known, registered, and dynamicprivate ports. More information about AudioDigitalScanningPhotoPrintingTVVideo Terms may be found here Click. Banking, Finance, Mortgage Real Estate Terms are here Click. Its like JSON. but fast and small. MessagePack is an efficient binary serialization format. It lets you exchange data among multiple languages like JSON. Mastering Bitcoin. Peer to Peer Network Architecture. Bitcoin is structured as a peer to peer network architecture on top of the Internet. The term peer to peer, or P2. P, means that the computers that participate in the network are peers to each other, that they are all equal, that there are no special nodes, and that all nodes share the burden of providing network services. The network nodes interconnect in a mesh network with a flat topology. There is no server, no centralized service, and no hierarchy within the network. Nodes in a peer to peer network both provide and consume services at the same time with reciprocity acting as the incentive for participation. Peer to peer networks are inherently resilient, decentralized, and open. The preeminent example of a P2. P network architecture was the early Internet itself, where nodes on the IP network were equal. Todays Internet architecture is more hierarchical, but the Internet Protocol still retains its flat topology essence. Beyond bitcoin, the largest and most successful application of P2. P technologies is file sharing with Napster as the pioneer and Bit. Torrent as the most recent evolution of the architecture. Bitcoins P2. P network architecture is much more than a topology choice. Bitcoin is a peer to peer digital cash system by design, and the network architecture is both a reflection and a foundation of that core characteristic. Decentralization of control is a core design principle and that can only be achieved and maintained by a flat, decentralized P2. P consensus network. The term bitcoin network refers to the collection of nodes running the bitcoin P2. P protocol. In addition to the bitcoin P2. P protocol, there are other protocols such as Stratum, which are used for mining and lightweight or mobile wallets. These additional protocols are provided by gateway routing servers that access the bitcoin network using the bitcoin P2. P protocol, and then extend that network to nodes running other protocols. For example, Stratum servers connect Stratum mining nodes via the Stratum protocol to the main bitcoin network and bridge the Stratum protocol to the bitcoin P2. P protocol. We use the term extended bitcoin network to refer to the overall network that includes the bitcoin P2. P protocol, pool mining protocols, the Stratum protocol, and any other related protocols connecting the components of the bitcoin system. Nodes Types and Roles. Although nodes in the bitcoin P2. P network are equal, they may take on different roles depending on the functionality they are supporting. Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Firefox' title='Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Firefox' />A bitcoin node is a collection of functions routing, the blockchain database, mining, and wallet services. A full node with all four of these functions is shown in fullnodereference. Figure 3. 5. A bitcoin network node with all four functions wallet, miner, full blockchain database, and network routing. All nodes include the routing function to participate in the network and might include other functionality. All nodes validate and propagate transactions and blocks, and discover and maintain connections to peers. In the full node example in fullnodereference, the routing function is indicated by an orange circle named Network Routing Node. Some nodes, called full nodes, also maintain a complete and up to date copy of the blockchain. Full nodes can autonomously and authoritatively verify any transaction without external reference. Some nodes maintain only a subset of the blockchain and verify transactions using a method called simplified payment verification, or SPV. These nodes are known as SPV or lightweight nodes. Torrent Painkiller. In the full node example in the figure, the full node blockchain database function is indicated by a blue circle named Full Blockchain. In bitcoinnetwork, SPV nodes are drawn without the blue circle, showing that they do not have a full copy of the blockchain. Mining nodes compete to create new blocks by running specialized hardware to solve the proof of work algorithm. Some mining nodes are also full nodes, maintaining a full copy of the blockchain, while others are lightweight nodes participating in pool mining and depending on a pool server to maintain a full node. The mining function is shown in the full node as a black circle named Miner. User wallets might be part of a full node, as is usually the case with desktop bitcoin clients. Increasingly, many user wallets, especially those running on resource constrained devices such as smartphones, are SPV nodes. The wallet function is shown in fullnodereference as a green circle named Wallet. In addition to the main node types on the bitcoin P2. P protocol, there are servers and nodes running other protocols, such as specialized mining pool protocols and lightweight client access protocols. The Extended Bitcoin Network. The main bitcoin network, running the bitcoin P2. P protocol, consists of between 7,0. Bitcoin Core and a few hundred nodes running various other implementations of the bitcoin P2. P protocol, such as Bitcoin. J, Libbitcoin, and btcd. A small percentage of the nodes on the bitcoin P2. P network are also mining nodes, competing in the mining process, validating transactions, and creating new blocks. Various large companies interface with the bitcoin network by running full node clients based on the Bitcoin Core client, with full copies of the blockchain and a network node, but without mining or wallet functions. These nodes act as network edge routers, allowing various other services exchanges, wallets, block explorers, merchant payment processing to be built on top. The extended bitcoin network includes the network running the bitcoin P2. P protocol, described earlier, as well as nodes running specialized protocols. Attached to the main bitcoin P2. P network are a number of pool servers and protocol gateways that connect nodes running other protocols. These other protocol nodes are mostly pool mining nodes see ch. Figure 3. 6. Different types of nodes on the extended bitcoin network. Figure 3. 7. The extended bitcoin network showing various node types, gateways, and protocols. Network Discovery. When a new node boots up, it must discover other bitcoin nodes on the network in order to participate. To start this process, a new node must discover at least one existing node on the network and connect to it. The geographic location of other nodes is irrelevant the bitcoin network topology is not geographically defined. Therefore, any existing bitcoin nodes can be selected at random. To connect to a known peer, nodes establish a TCP connection, usually to port 8. Upon establishing a connection, the node will start a handshake see networkhandshake by transmitting a version message, which contains basic identifying information, including n. Version. The bitcoin P2. P protocol version the client speaks e. A list of local services supported by the node, currently just NODENETWORKn. Time. The current time. The IP address of the remote node as seen from this node. The IP address of the local node, as discovered by the local node. A sub version showing the type of software running on this node e. Satoshi 0. 9. 2. The block height of this nodes blockchain. See Git. Hub for an example of the version network message. The version message is always the first message sent by any peer to another peer. The local peer receiving a version message will examine the remote peers reported n. Version and decide if the remote peer is compatible. If the remote peer is compatible, the local peer will acknowledge the version message and establish a connection, by sending a verack. How does a new node find peers The first method is to query DNS using a number of DNS seeds, which are DNS servers that provide a list of IP addresses of bitcoin nodes. Some of those DNS seeds provide a static list of IP addresses of stable bitcoin listening nodes. Python Extension Packages for Windowsby Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine. This page provides 3. Windows binaries of many scientific open source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language. The files are unofficial meaning informal, unrecognized, personal, unsupported, no warranty, no liability, provided as is and made available for testing and evaluation purposes. If downloads fail reload this page, enable Java. Script, disable download managers, disable proxies, clear cache, and use Firefox. Please only download files manually as needed. Most binaries are built from source code found on Py. PI or in the projects public revision control systems. Source code changes, if any, have been submitted to the project maintainers or are included in the packages. Refer to the documentation of the individual packages for license restrictions and dependencies. Use pip version 8 or newer to install the downloaded. This page is not a pip package index. Many binaries depend on numpy 1. Microsoft Visual C 2. SP1 for CPython 2. Visual C 2. 01. CPython 3. Visual C 2. CPython 3. Install numpymkl before other packages that depend on it. The binaries are compatible with the most recent official CPython distributions on Windows 6. Chances are they do not work with custom Python distributions included with Blender, Maya, Arc. GIS, OSGeo. 4W, ABAQUS, Cygwin, Pythonxy, Canopy, EPD, Anaconda, Win. Python etc. Many binaries are not compatible with Windows XP or Wine. The packages are ZIP or 7z files, which allows for manual or scripted installation or repackaging of the content. The files are provided as is without warranty or support of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you. The opinions or statements expressed on this page should not be taken as a position or endorsement of the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics or the University of California. Index by date modwsgidulwichmercurialcythonjupytertifffilenumpyorangescandirodegensimopenexrspglibdiscretizescipypypmcscikit imagechainernetcdf. AD3, Alternating Directions Dual Decomposition. Aiohttp, a http clientserver for asyncio. Akima, interpolation of data points in a plane based on Akimas method. APSW, another Python SQLite wrapper. Aspell python bindings for GNU Aspell. Using the Ly. X fork. Assimulo, a package for solving ordinary differential equations. Requires numpymkl. Astropy, a core package for astronomy. Atom, memory efficient Python objects. This package conflicts with Googles gdata. Auto. Py, a GUI automation toolkit. Babel, tools for internationalizing Python applications. Backports. lzma, a backport of Python 3. Basemap, a matplotlib toolkit for plotting 2. D data on maps based on GEOS. Requires pyproj. Bazaar, a version control system. Bcolz provides columnar and compressed data containers. Bigfloat, arbitrary precision correctly rounded floating point arithmetic, via MPFR. Superseded by gmpy. Bioformats experimental, a JCC generated wrapper for the Bio Formats and SCIFIO Java libraries. Requires Java SE 8 and JVM. DLL in the PATH. Biopython, a set of tools for biological computation. Bitarray provides an object type which efficiently represents an array of booleans. Blaze translates Num. PyPandas like syntax to systems like databases. Blist, a list like type with better performance for large lists. Blosc, a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. Blz, a chunked, compressed, data container for memory and disk. Bokeh, an implementation of the Grammar of Graphics for output to the HTML5 Canvas. Requires many dependencies. Boost. Python enables seamless interoperability between C and Python. Bottleneck provides fast Num. Py array functions written in Cython. Brotli, a lossless compression algorithm. Bsddb. 3, bindings for the Oracle Berkeley DB database. Linked to db 5. 3. Bsdiff. 4, binary diff and patch using the BSDIFF4 format. BTrees, scalable persistent object containers. Cairocffi, CFFI based bindings for the cairo graphics library. GDK Pix. Buf is not supported by this distribution. Cantera, a tool suite for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport. Requires numpymkl. Carray, a chunked data container that can be compressed in memory. Cartopy, a library providing cartographic tools. Casuarius, bindings for the Cassowary constraint solving toolkit. Chardet, a universal character encoding detector binding to libcharsetdetect. Cdecimal, a package for correctly rounded arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic. Cell. Cognition, an image analysis framework for fluorescence time lapse microscopy. Requires numpymkl, scipy, matplotlib, pyqt. Cell. Profiler is software for quantitative analysis of biological images. Requires numpymkl, scipy, matplotlib, wxpython, h. ODBC enables access to databases using the ODBC API. Cffi, a Foreign Function Interface for calling C code. Requires pycparser. CGAL bindings, bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library. Cgkit, the Computer Graphics Kit, is useful for dealing with 3. D data of any kind. Chaco, building interactive and custom 2 D plots. Part of the Enthought Tool Suite. Chainer, a flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning. Requires CUDA 8 and CUDNN 6. Chebyfit, fit multiple exponential and harmonic functions using Chebyshev polynomials. Cheetah, a template engine and code generation tool. Chompack, a library for chordal matrix computations. CLD wraps Chromiums Compact Language Detector library. COBRA, a package for constraints based modeling of biological networks. Coverage measures code coverage of programs during test execution. Crc. 16 calculates CRC1. Cyclic Redundancy Check. Crcmod computes Cyclic Redundancy Checks CRC. Curses, an extension based on the PDCurses library. Unicode characters are not supported. CVXcanon, common operations for convex optimization modeling tools. CVXOPT experimental non MKL icl build, a package for convex optimization. Includes GSL, FFTW, and GLPK w MPIR modules. Linked to numpy atlas instead of MKL. Requires numpymkl. CVXPY, a modeling language for convex optimization problems. Requires numpymkl, scipy, cvxopt, scs, and ecos. Freeze, a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executable. Oracle, an interface to the Oracle Database conforming to the Python DB API 2. Cyassimp, bindings for the Open Assimp Import Library. Cyordereddict, a Cython implementation of Ordered. Dict. Cyrasterize, Open. GL offscreen rasterizing. Cython, a language for writing Python C extensions. Cytoolz, high performance functional utilities. Czifile, read image and metadata from Carl Zeissr CZI files. Datrie efficiently stores Trie. Debug information files installs the Windows debug information files. PDB. Delny creates N dimensional Delaunay triangulations using libqhull. Dipy, a toolbox for analysis of MR diffusion imaging. Discretize, discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems. Dulwich, a Git library. Dy. ND experimental, bindings to the libdynd C dynamic ndarray library. ECOS, Embedded Conic Solver. Enable, low level drawing and interaction. Part of the Enthought Tool Suite. Enaml, a programming language and framework for creating user interfaces with minimal effort. Requires atom, kiwisolver, pyqt. PLY. Entropy, fast entropy calculation. ETS Enthought Tool Suite, a collection of components for building scientific applications. Requires chaco, traits, enable, and mayavi. Fab. IO, a IO library for images produced by 2. D X ray detector. Fann. 2 bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Networks Library. Fastcache, a C implementation of the Python 3 lrucache. Fastcluster provides fast hierarchical clustering routines. Fastparquet, a implementation of the parquet columnar file format. Fasttext, a interface for Facebook fast. Text. Faulthandler displays the Python traceback on a crash. Fdint, Fermi Dirac integrals of integer and half integer order.
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