SQL Server Tools for Better SQL Management. Directory of hundreds of tools for monitoring and analyzing network traffic. Check out the new toolset that comes with SQL Server 2000. You can administer your entire organization from a single graphical management console, with tools to run. SQL Complete Intellisense and Code Formatting in SSMSExtended menu options. Execute current statement runs the outlined statement by right clicking and selecting the corresponding function on the shortcut menu. Execute to cursor runs statements to the cursor position. Navigation from objects in SQL Doc to objects in Object Explorer allows you to go from Code Editor to the object in Object Explorer. Jump between queries allows you to navigate between the statements via AltPage. Up and AltPage. Down. Convert EXEC to Script retrieves the content of the EXECUTE statement to the script. Rename AliasVariable can assign custom aliases to tables and objects and replace all the specified variable names, as well as references to them to new names. By clicking F2, you can preview changes in the code. Script object located at cursor position directly from SQL Editor generates a script in a separate SQL document, which allows you to create or alter the table at which the cursor is located. You may also use Ctrl F1. Script Object as ALTERCREATE generates DDL objects to the ALTER or CREATE statements. Insert semicolons adds missing semicolumns in the code. Jump between COLUMNS and VALUES in INSERT statement helps you to quickly go to the column of the corresponding value. To do this, simply set a cursor on the Value and use ShiftF1. Learn more. Generate CRUD generates a script in a new SQL document, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Columns in tables may be ordered either by the ordinal number or alphabetically. Coming soon. Inline EXEC can be used to unwrap spexecutesql. Coming soon. Jump between BEGIN and END allows you to navigate to the BEGINEND statements via ShiftF1. Coming soon. Find invalid objects helps quickly search for invalid objects in a database. SharePointMigrationMatrix.jpg' alt='Sql Monitoring Tools Comparison' title='Sql Monitoring Tools Comparison' />Coming soon. CommentUncomment selection allows adding or deleting comments tofrom the selected part of the statement through and syntax accordingly. Coming soon. Copy full object name from Object Explorer makes a copy of the selected object from Object Explorer. Coming soon. Edit Top N Table Rows allows you to make changes to the SQL query of the specified number of rows. Ezdrummer Standalone Programs. Coming soon. T SQL Analyzer improves quality of your code by configuring rules.