Unlock File Manually Add' title='Unlock File Manually Add' />Fix Write Capability to External SD Card on Kit. Kat Manually. According to the latest stats from the Google Developer portal Android 4. Kit. Kat currently occupies 1. Its really unsatisfactory given the fact that its has been almost seven months since Kit. Kat was first released. While Kit. Kat is known for better and faster performance that the older Jelly Bean, the former is also known for taking away some good features that we used to enjoy on the latter. With the Kit. Kat update, Google brought a not so pleasant thing by revoking the write capability to external SD card by app on an Android device. We have a PC that is running MS Offices 2010 Pro. However, I have also needed to install the runtime version of Access 2010 to setup test an installation. So I keep getting this error when trying to compile C code using CodeBlocks. It only started today, and it. The BCICH21 is a plugandplay kit that allows you to easily add a back up camera to select Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep vehicles with CANBus while retaining factory. How to Add a Device to Google Play Store. When you add a device to Google Play, you can access your previous app, movie, music, book and other purchases on the new. In the FAQ category Unlock Android phone that is locked after too many pattern attempts. Ive seen the question so many times in the Google Mobile Help Forum that. You must have seen the Move to SD card option under individual app settings on Jelly Bean. It simply means that Kit. Kat does not allow apps to writemove data on the micro SD cards on devices that support expandable storage. If you install too many apps, your phones internal storage might fall short as all app data will be stored to it. Actually, Google removed the write access to the external SD card by apps deliberately for security reasons. Google made this move to stops apps from dumping files everywhere on the card. On Kitkat, all 3rd party apps can only write to files and folders that they have created or have taken ownership of. As you know, Android is a world of possibilities. If you have have obtained root access on your device, you might obtain a solution for almost all such issues. The Play Store already has a couple of good apps for fixing write access to ext. SD card by 3rd party apps. SDFix Kit. Kat Writable Micro. SDSD Kit. Kat Fixer. While these apps work great on certain devices, the have proven to be ineffective on others. If you have root access on your phone or tablet and having this issue, you can easily fix write capability to external SD card on Kit. Kat manually. Download Root Explorer or Root Browser or any other root file manager from the Play Store Also install Busy. Box on your device, then open the app and install Busy. Box script Open the root file manager app. Grant it root access if it prompts you to do so. Now navigate to systemetcpermissionsplatform. Tap and hold the platform. Edit option. Now look for this entry nameandroid. WRITEEXTERNALSTORAGENow add the following string of code just after lt group gidsdcardrw. To get a clearer idea, take a look at the screenshot below Having editing the file, save your changes and exit the root file manager app. Finally, reboot your phone or tablet. When your device boots up the write access on external SD card by third party apps should be enabled. Installing Sample Schemas. During a complete installation of your Oracle Database, the sample schemas can be installed automatically with the seed database. If the seed database is removed from the system, you will need to reinstall the sample schemas before you can perform the steps given in the examples that you find in Oracle documentation and training materials. This chapter describes how to install ProductName. It contains the following sections Using the Database Configuration Assistant. When you install Oracle Database with the Oracle Universal Installer, the sample schemas are installed by default if you select the Basic Installation option. Selecting the sample schemas option installs all sample schemas HR, OE, PM, SH, IX in the database. If you choose not to install the sample schemas at that time, you can add them later by following the instructions in section Manually Installing Sample Schemas. At the end of the installation process, a dialog box displays the accounts that have been created and their lock status. By default, all sample schemas are locked and their passwords are expired. Before you can use a locked account, you must unlock it and reset its password. You can unlock the accounts at this point in the installation process. Alternatively, after the installation completes, you can unlock the schemas and reset their passwords by using the ALTER USER. ACCOUNT UNLOCK statement. For example. ALTER USER hr ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY Password. The sample schemas available to you depend on the edition of Oracle Database that you have installed and its configuration. Refer to the following table Schema. Oracle Database Personal edition. Oracle Database Standard edition. Oracle Database Enterprise edition. HROKOKOKOEOKOKOKPMOKOKOKIXOKOKOKSHNot available. Not available. Needs Partitioning Option installed Manually Installing Sample Schemas. If you decide not to install the sample schemas at the time of your initial database installation using DBCA, then you can also create the sample schemas manually by running SQL scripts. Install Oracle Database Examples Companion CD, part of the media kit to include these scripts in the demo directory under ORACLEHOME. Schema Dependencies. Various dependencies have been established among the schemas. So, when you create the schemas manually, you must create them in the following order HR, OE, PM, IX, and SH. Use this sequence to create the schemas Create schema HR. Create schema OE. Schema HR is already present, and you must know the password for schema HR to grant HR object privileges to OE. Some HR tables are visible to user OE with the use of private synonyms. In addition, some OE tables have foreign key relationships to HR tables. Create schema PM Foreign key relationships require that schema OE already exist when schema PM is created. You must know the password for OE, to grant to PM the right to establish and use these foreign keys. Note. Schema PM requires that the database be enabled for the Java Virtual Machine JVM and inter. Media. You can accomplish this during installation or later using the DBCA. Create schema IX The information exchange schema, IX, is based on order entry data in schema OE. Again, foreign key relationships require that schema OE already be present when schema IX is created. You must know the password for OE to grant to IX, the right to establish and use the foreign keys. Create schema SH. Schema SH logically depends on schema OE, but you can create schema SH without creating the other four schemas. Guidelines for Installing Sample Schemas. All scripts necessary to install sample schemas reside in ORACLEHOMEdemoschema directory. Before you install sample schemas by running these scripts, follow these guidelines You must connect as a system administrator using the SYSDBA privilege. When prompted to enter a password for the schema, enter a secure password that meets the requirements described in Oracle Database Security Guide. When prompted for tablespace names while running scripts Enter an appropriate tablespace name, for example, users as the default tablespace for a schema. Enter temp as the temporary tablespace for a schema. When prompted for the log directory name, enter ORACLEHOMEdemoschemalog or any other existing directory name. Note. Make sure that you end the log directory name with a trailing slash, for example, ORACLEHOMEdemoschemalogInstalling the HR Schema. All scripts necessary to create the Human Resource HR schema reside in ORACLEHOMEdemoschemahumanresources. You need to call only one script, hrmain. The following steps provide a summary of the installation process Log on to SQLPlus as SYS and connect using the AS SYSDBA privilege. Enter password password. To run the hrmain. SQL demoschemahumanresourceshrmain. Enter a secure password for HR. HR as parameter 1. Enter value for 1. See Also Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum password requirements. Enter an appropriate tablespace, for example, users as the default tablespace for HR. HR as parameter 2. Enter value for 2. Enter temp as the temporary tablespace for HR. HR as parameter 3. Enter value for 3. Enter your SYS password. SYS as parameter 4. Enter value for 4. Enter the directory path, for example, ORACLEHOMEdemoschemalog, for your log directory. Enter value for 5. After script hrmain. HR is installed, you are connected as user HR. To verify that the schema was created, use the following command. SQL SELECT tablename FROM usertables. Running hrmain. sql accomplishes the following tasks Removes any previously installed HR schema. Creates user HR and grants the necessary privileges. Connects as HRCalls the scripts that create and populate the schema objects. For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, refer to Table 4 1. A pair of optional scripts, hrdnc. To prepare schema HR for use with the directory capabilities of Oracle Internet Directory, run the hrdnc. If you want to return to the initial setup of schema HR, use script hrdnd. You can use script hrdrop. Car Mp5 Player Driver Download. HR. Installing Schema OE and Subschema OCAll scripts necessary to create the Order Entry OE schema and its Online Catalog OC subschema reside in ORACLEHOMEdemoschemaorderentry. You need to call only one script, oemain. Running oemain. sql accomplishes the following tasks Removes any previously installed OE schema. Creates schema user OE and grants it the necessary privileges. Connects as OECalls the scripts that create and populate the schema objects. After the oemain. OE is installed, you are connected as user OE. To verify that the schema was created, use the following command. SQL SELECT tablename FROM usertables. For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, refer to Table 4 1. You can use scripts oedrop. OE and subschema OC, respectively. Installing the PM Schema. All scripts necessary to create the Product Media PM schema reside in ORACLEHOMEdemoschemaproductmedia. You need to call only one script, pmmain. Running pmmain. sql accomplishes the following tasks Prompts for passwords and tablespace names used within the scripts as well as datafile and log file directories. Removes any previously installed PM schema. Creates user PM and grants it the necessary privileges. Connects as PMCalls the scripts that create and populate the schema objects. After script pmmain. PM is installed, you are connected as user PM. To verify that the schema was created, use the following command. SQL SELECT tablename FROM usertables. For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, refer to Table 4 1. You can use script pmdrop. PM. Note. The SQLoader data file pmplob. Before attempting to load the data in a different environment, you should first edit the path names in this file. Installing the IX Schema. All scripts necessary to create the Information Exchange IX schema reside in ORACLEHOMEdemoschemainfoexchange. To install schema IX, you need to call only one script, ixmain.
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