Cisco Cucm 8.6

Cisco Cucm 8.6

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, Release 8. Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call. Manager Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Use the following topics to find, add, update, copy, or delete a calling party transformation pattern Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Settings Related Topics Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Settings In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, use the Call Routing  Transformation Pattern  Calling Party Transformation Pattern menu path to configure calling party transformation patterns. The parameters in the Calling Party Transformation Patterns window provide appropriate caller information using the Calling Party Transformation calling search space on the destination device. Be aware that calls through transformation patterns are not routable. When this pattern is matched, the call does not route to any device. You use calling party transformation patterns with the calling party normalization feature. Cisco Cucm 8.6' title='Cisco Cucm 8.6' />Book Title. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide, Release 8. Chapter Title. Cisco Extension Mobility. PDF Complete Book. Anyone looking to build a custom query to run against their CUCM system may want to take a look at the following resources Cisco Data Dictionaries. Book Title. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, Release 8. Chapter Title. Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration. For information on the calling party normalization feature, see Calling Party Normalization in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. Using the GUI For instructions on how to use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Graphical User Interface GUI to find, delete, configure, or copy records, see the Navigating the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Application section and its subsections, which explain how to use the GUI and detail the functions of the buttons and icons. Configuration Settings Table Table 4. For related procedures, see the Related Topics section. Table 4. 7 1 Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Settings. Field. Description. Pattern Definition. Pattern Enter the transformation pattern, including numbers and wildcards do not use spaces for example, for NANP, enter 9. XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. Valid characters include the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D and, which represents the international escape character. Note Ensure that the pattern is unique. Check the transformation pattern, route pattern, translation pattern, directory number, call park number, call pickup number, message waiting onoff, or meet me number if you receive an error that indicates duplicate entries. You can also check the route plan report. See the Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots section in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide for more information about wildcards. Partition If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the transformation pattern, choose the desired partition from the drop down list box. See the Partition Configuration section for more information on how to use partitions. You can configure the number of partitions that display in this drop down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. Cisco Cucm 8.6' title='Cisco Cucm 8.6' />If more partitions exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the Find button displays next to the drop down list box. Click the Find button to display the Find and List Partitions window. Find and choose a partition name by using the procedure in the Searching for a Partition section. Note Configure transformation patterns in different non null partitions rather than dialing patterns such as route patterns and directory numbers. For transformation pattern lookups, Cisco Unified Communications Manager ignores the patterns in null partitions. Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System  Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters. Note Make sure that the combination of pattern, route filter, and partition is unique within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. Description Enter a description of the transformation pattern. Numbering Plan Choose a numbering plan. Route Filter If your transformation pattern includes the wildcard, you may choose a route filter. The optional act of choosing a route filter restricts certain number patterns. The route filters that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop down list box. How can I get bootable media If youre searching for bootable media for CUCM, IMP, CUC, etc. Im sorry to disappoint you, but you wont find them there. You can configure the number of items that display in this drop down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more route filters exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the Find button displays next to the drop down list box. Click the Find button to display the Find and List Route Filters window. Find and choose a route filter name by using the Route Filter Configuration Settings section. Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System  Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters. Urgent Priority Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets all calling party transformation patterns with urgent priority, and you cannot change the priority of the patterns. Calling Party Transformations. Use Calling Partys External Phone Number Mask Check the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used for calling line identification CLID on outgoing calls. You may also configure an External Phone Number Mask on all phone devices. Discard Digit Instructions Choose the discard digit instructions that you want to be associated with this calling party transformation pattern. The discard digits that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop down list box. Calling Party Transform Mask Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9 the wildcard characters X, asterisk, and octothorpe and the international escape character. If the Discard Digit Instructions field is blank, the Prefix Digits Outgoing Calls field is blank, the Calling Party Transformation Mask field is blank, and the Use Calling Partys External Phone Number Mask is not checked, no calling party transformation takes place. Prefix Digits Outgoing Calls Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits Outgoing Calls field. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9, the wildcard characters asterisk and octothorpe, and the international escape character. Note The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device. Calling Line ID Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses calling line ID presentation CLIPCLIR as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller phone number on a call by call basis. Choose whether you want the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to allow or restrict the display of the calling party phone number on the called party phone display for this route pattern. Microsoft Office Home And Student 2013 Testversion Download Firefox. Choose Default if you do not want to change calling line ID presentation. Choose Allowed if you want Cisco Unified Communications Manager to allow the display of the calling number. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco Unified Communications Manager to block the display of the calling number. Calling Party Number Type Choose the format for the number type in calling party directory numbers. Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the calling directory number DN type. Cisco recommends that you do not change the default value unless you have advanced experience with dialing plans such as NANP or the European dialing plan. You may need to change the default in Europe because Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not recognize European national dialing patterns. You can also change this setting when you are connecting to a PBX that expects the calling directory number to be encoded to a non national type numbering plan. Choose one of the following options Cisco Unified Communications ManagerUse when the Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets the directory number type. UnknownUse when the dialing plan is unknown. NationalUse when you are dialing within the dialing plan for your country.

Cisco Cucm 8.6
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