Bob Dylan discography Wikipedia. American singer songwriter Bob Dylan has released 3. The Bootleg Series box sets 1. Dylan has starred in 4 documentaries, 3 theatrical films, appeared in an additional 8 films and 1. Im Not There. He has written and published lyrics, artwork and memoirs in 1. He has done numerous collaborations, appearances and tribute albums. The albums Planet Waves and Before the Flood were initially released on Asylum Records reissues of those two and all others were on Columbia Records. JPG_500/MI0000/063/MI0000063945.jpg?' alt='Journey Live Bootleg' title='Journey Live Bootleg' />So you want to expand your bootleg collection Why dont you become a Bootlegzone Member Its FREE There are currently 6908 items for The Beatles in the database. So you want to expand your bootleg collection Why dont you become a Bootlegzone Member Its FREE Welcome to Bootlegzone All in all, there are 48116 items in. Dylan has won many awards for his songwriting and performances, including the 2. Nobel Prize in Literature for his entire body of work. For a list of these accolades, see List of Bob Dylan awards. Much of his music has been bootlegged for an examination of this phenomenon, see Bob Dylan bootleg recordings. Studio albumseditYear. Album details. Peak chart positions. Certificationssales thresholdsUSAUSUK1. Bob Dylan. Release March 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 1. Columbia CS 8. 57. Format vinyl monostereo1. UK Silver21. 96. The Freewheelin Bob Dylan. Release May 2. 7, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 1. Columbia CS 8. 78. Format vinyl monostereo2. US Platinum3UK Gold21. The Times They Are a ChanginRelease January 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 2. Columbia CS 8. 90. Format vinyl monostereo2. US Gold3UK Gold2Another Side of Bob Dylan. Release August 8, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 2. Columbia CS 8. 99. Format vinyl monostereo4. US Gold3UK Silver21. Bringing It All Back Home. Release March 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 2. Columbia CS 9. Format vinyl monostereo61. US Platinum3UK Gold2Highway 6. Revisited. Release August 3. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 2. Columbia CS 9. 18. Format vinyl monostereo34. US Platinum3CAN Gold4UK Gold21. Blonde on Blonde. Release May 1. 6, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia C2. L 4. 1 monoColumbia C2. S 8. 41 stereoLabelSub Catalog Nos. Record 1 Columbia CL 2. Record 2 Columbia CL 2. Record 1 Columbia CS 9. Record 2 Columbia CS 9. Format double vinyl LP monostereo9. US 2 Platinum3UK Platinum21. John Wesley Harding. Release December 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia CL 2. Columbia CS 9. 60. Format vinyl monostereo2. US Platinum3UK Gold21. Nashville Skyline. Release April 9, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 9. Format vinyl. 32. US Platinum3CAN Gold4UK Gold21. Self Portrait. Release June 8, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format double vinyl LP4. US Gold3New Morning. Release October 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinyl. 74. US Gold31. 97. Pat Garrett Billy the Kid. Release July 1. 3, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US Gold3Dylan. Release November 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. AUS Goldcitation neededUK Gold2US Gold31. Planet Waves. Release January 1. LabelCatalog No. Asylum 1. Format vinylcassette. Re Release 1. 98. LabelCatalog No. Columbia PCCK 3. Format PC vinylCK CD1. US Gold3UK Silver21. Blood on the Tracks. Release January 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US 2 Platinum3CAN Platinum4UK Platinum2The Basement Tapes. Release June 2. 6, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format double vinyl LPcassette. US Gold3UK Gold21. Desire. Release January 5, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US 2 Platinum3CAN Platinum4UK Gold21. Street Legal. Release June 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US Gold3CAN Platinum4UK Platinum21. Slow Train Coming. Release August 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US Platinum3CAN 2 Platinum4UK Silver21. Saved. Release June 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. UK Silver21. 98. Shot of Love. Release August 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. UK Silver21. 98. Infidels. Release October 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 3. Format vinylcassette. US Gold3CAN Gold4UK Silver. Empire Burlesque. Release June 8, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format vinylcassetteCD3. CAN Gold41. 98. Knocked Out Loaded. Release July 1. 4, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format vinylcassetteCD5. Down in the Groove. Release May 3. 1, 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format vinylcassetteCD6. Oh Mercy. Release September 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format vinylcassetteCD3. US Gold3UK Gold21. Under the Red Sky. Release September 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format CDvinylcassette. UK Silver21. 99. Good as I Been to You. Release October 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 5. Format CDvinylcassette. World Gone Wrong. Release October 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 5. Format CDvinylcassette. Time Out of Mind. Release September 3. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 6. Format CDcassettedouble vinyl LP1. US Platinum3AUS Gold5CAN Gold4UK Gold22. Love and Theft. Release September 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 8. Format CDcassettedouble vinyl LP5. US Gold3UK Gold22. Modern Times. Release August 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 8. Format CDdouble vinyl LP1. US Platinum3AUS Gold6CAN Platinum4UK Platinum22. Together Through Life. Release April 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 4. Format CDvinyl. UK Gold2Christmas in the Heart. Release October 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia 5. Format CDvinyl. UK Silver22. Tempest. Release September 1. LabelCatalog No. Columbia. Format CDdouble vinyl LP3. UK Silver22. 01. Shadows in the Night. Release February 3, 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia. Format CDvinyl. Fallen Angels. Release May 2. LabelCatalog No. Columbia. Format CDvinyl. Triplicate. Release March 3. LabelCatalog No. Columbia. Format triple CDtriple vinyl LP3. Live albumseditYear. Album details. Peak chart positions. Certificationssales thresholdsUSUK1. Before the Flood. US Platinum3UK Silver21. Hard Rain. Released September 1. Label Columbia. Format vinylcassette. US Gold3UK Gold21. Bob Dylan at Budokan. Released April 2. Label Columbia. Format double vinyl LPcassette. US Gold3CAN Gold4UK Gold21. Real Live. Released November 2. Label Columbia. Format vinylcassette. Dylan the Dead. Released February 6, 1. Label Columbia. Format CDvinylcassette. US Gold31. 99. The 3. Anniversary Concert Celebration. Released August 2. Label Columbia. Format double CDcassette. US Gold31. 99. MTV Unplugged. Released April 2. Label Columbia. Format CDcassette. US Gold3UK Gold22. Live 1. 96. 12. 00. Thirty Nine Years of Great Concert PerformancesJapanReleased February 2. JapanMarch 2. 00. UK ImportLabel Columbia. Format CD1. 40. Live at the Gaslight 1. Released August 3. Label Columbia. Format CDLive at Carnegie Hall 1. Released November 1. Label Columbia. Format CD2. In Concert Brandeis University 1. Released April 1. Label Columbia. Format CD1. The 1. 96. 6 Live Recordings. Released November 1. Label Sony Music. Format 3. 6x. CD4 AmericanaFolkThe Real Royal Albert Hall 1. Concert LiveReleased December 2, 2. Label Sony Music. Format double CD1. Compilation albumseditYear. Album details. Peak chart positions. Certificationssales thresholdsUSUK1. Bob Dylans Greatest Hits. Release March 2. Label Columbia. Format vinyl. US 5 Platinum3CAN 2 Platinum41. Bob Dylans Greatest Hits Vol. IIa. k. a. More Bob Dylan Greatest HitsRelease November 1. Label Columbia. Format double vinyl LPcassette. US 5 Platinum3CAN 2 Platinum41. MasterpiecesAustralia, New Zealand, JapanRelease March 1. Label Columbia. Format triple vinyl LPcassette 1. Biograph5 LP vinyl setRelease November 7, 1. Label Columbia. Format triple CDvinylcassette. US Platinum3UK Silver21. Bob Dylans Greatest Hits Volume 3. Release November 1. Label Columbia. Format CDcassette. US Gold31. 99. The Best of Bob DylanUK, Canada, Australia, New ZealandRelease June 2, 1. Label Columbia. Format CDcassette 6. UK Gold22. 00. The Live Action Teen Titans Series Has Found Its New Starfire and Shes a Big Deal. At some point in 2. Teen Titans on Warner Bros brand new digital streaming service. Tonight, we learned wholl be playing the shows incarnation of Starfire and the news of her casting has an importance that cant be understated. Deadline reports that 2. Legacys Anna Diop has been cast as Starfire. Shes listed as a series regular obviously and described as a refugee alien princess who first encounters the Titans while seeking asylum from her home planet on Earth. While this origin for Starfire maps pretty well onto her background for the comic books, its incredibly important to note that Diop, a black actress, will be playing one of the most iconic members of the Titans whose helped turn them into one of DCs flagship teams. Across multiple media including comics, television shows, and video games, Starfires been one of the lynchpins of the Titans brand, particularly as characters like Robin and Cyborg have been pulled away to bolster other DC properties. Starfires presence in the Teen Titans animated series and the DC Superhero Girls franchise has made her one of DCs most highly visible and easily recognizable female characters for the company, and the significance of Diops casting is multi tiered. Zombie Games Full Version. Much in the same way that Zazie Beetzs initial casting and subsequent updated look for Foxs Deadpool 2 was a major score for the diversification of superhero media, the way that the new Teen Titans series decides to depict Starfire could be a very big deal. The show could decide to have Diop undergo full body paint in order to achieve Starfires canonical Tamaranean look. Alternatively, her look could be much more oriented towards Diops natural looks, which would be a major shift in the way that Starfires represented on screen. Though Starfires a fictional character, that doesnt mean that the actor who portrays her on screen wont influence the way that audiences conceptualize her. Gamora may be a green space assassin with pink highlights, but youre always keenly aware that Zoe Saldana is a woman of color bringing her to life. Its that kind of representation that makes casting non white actors to play characters like these such a big deal. In Starfires case, given the budget constraints of most digital only shows, it could make a lot more sense to forego the orange skin in favor of a more manageable special effect to evoke her Tamaranean powers. Well no doubt see which direction the new Teen Titans decides to go in in the months leading up to the shows premiere next year.