Official registrar of Turkish domain names such as. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Reliable Pipes Tubes Ltd., api5lx65, api 5l x65, API 5L GR. B PSL 1, API 5L X 42 PSL 1, API 5L X 46 PSL 1, API 5L X 52 PSL 1, API 5L X 56 PSL 1, API 5L X 60 PSL 1. Buying Discontinued or Closeout Flooring by Find. Any. Floor. com. Jenne posted on June 2. Hi Stacy,I too am looking for some flooring that has been discontinued. I need approx. 8. Pergo PF 0. 18. 2 the Roma Caramel planks. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so muchcraig lieb posted on June 2. I have a ranch house, with Mannington laminate on the entire floor. I am remodelling my kitchen and would like to keep the flooring the same. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Theres something very important that were not talking about when we talk about domestic violence. Barter is a system of exchange where goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is. For publicity inquiries, please contact Sally Marvin, Random House publicity SMarvinrandomhouse. Is there any way to find some Mannington 6. Honeytone Washington Oak The new model number is 6. L and now 6. 50. 00. M. It has a different locking mechanism and doesnt work. Any help with where I can find this stuff would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Craig. Stacey posted on July 2, 2. Craig, try these two links http www. To all others, unfortunately, I was unable to your floors. I recommend you contact your manufacturers to see what they recommend as a close match. Also, if you havent already, do a Google, Yahoo, and MSN search for your floors. Try different combinations of the manufacturers name, the product serial number, and the specific products name. Many consumers locate their discontinued floors this way. Good luck to all and please let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Also, if you click the link in my blog it will take you to an article that will help you find floors to match your discontinued flooring. Larry posted on August 1, 2. Hello I severely need 4 boxes of Pergo Global Passage Dolce Mahogany Part 2. Item 9. 50. 49 UPC 7. Thanks Mary Ann posted on August 7, 2. I have 3 boxes of Pergo Global Passage Dolce Mahogany Laminate. Item 2. 35. 11. Model 0. UPC 7. 39. 17. 53. Sq Ft per Carton. I will sell them for 1. Regularly sells for 2. Mary posted on August 2. Hello. I have been all over the internet looking for larger pieces of scrap vinyl flooring end pieces and extras from jobsites, or extra cuts from mills, decent looking, but some imperfections acceptable for various craft projects I have in mind, and cannot find a thing. I thought that making something new out of what would just be thrown away is what green was all about, so when I saw your site, I thought Id give it a try. I sure hope that you can help my fingers are about to fall off from all the searching, and I am at a brain freeze for any new ways to phrase what I need. Thank you for any help you can offer Mary. Pergo Laminate Pro posted on September 7, 2. Thanks for the question Donna regarding the Pergo Laminate Floor. The best way to find discontinued flooring such as Dolce Mahogany from Pergo, is to put an ad on Craigslist. Be very detailed in your ad with as much info as possible. If anyone is selling that material and does a search on the internet, it is likely that they will find your CL post. Heather posted on November 2, 2. I need 2 boxes of Pergo Global Passage Dolce Mahogany Laminate. Item 2. 35. 11. Model 0. UPC 7. 39. 17. 53. Pat posted on November 1. Need Mannington Vega II Veranda 3. This has been discontinued by the mfg. Thanks. Pat. Kelli posted on September 2. I need any Pergo Global Passage Dolce Mahogany Laminate to repair a water damaged floor. Ideally 1 3 boxes or were fine with used if its in good shape. Item 2. 35. 11. Model 0. UPC 7. 39. 17. 53. Larry posted on October 3. Handscraped Hickory Laminate Flooring. I have 5 unopened boxes for sale. These codes are on the box. Larryjabneb. rr. Paulo posted on December 5, 2. Im needing Pergo Laminate Floor Brazilian Jatoba, code 8. It used to be sold by Lowes not long ago. I need to install in my second floor. Im looking for 1. My e mail is pauloschillinghotmail. Christophe posted on December 6, 2. Hi,I am in need of some Pergo traditional strip 3. Salted Lapacho. Can you helpThanks John posted on December 1. I give up on finding more SO I will sell 3 Unopened Boxes of Armstrong Swiftlock Timberridge Luxury Laminate Flooring in heirloom hickoryThis was sold by Lowes now discontinued cannot find enough to complete what I wanted to do so Ill sell the 3 boxes I have unopened and if someone needs just a little bit more some other loose pieces. I need to keep some for repairs. These come in boxes that cover 1. Sq Feet per box 7 planks per box with underlayment attached. Size 4. 7. 2 x 5. Box weighs app 1. Original lowes nbr I believe is 2. Sold for BEST OFFER PLUS SHIPPING IF NECESSARY. Im in E Tn. Near Gatlinburg. If interested email me at itsfubar. Alicia Y posted on February 2. I need 2 boxes maybe 3 of Manningtons Charleston Oak Natural. Thanks Will posted on March 2, 2. Im sure this is a shot in the dark. But I need two boxes of Witex Speedy Elite Traditional Cherry. Model KB 1. 41 SSU 2. Finders fee offered. Thank you,Will. Toby posted on April 1. Looking to find Wilsonart Carolina Ash. Please contact me if you have any or have ideas of who might. Having a hard time locating anything on the web that is helpful. Thanks,Toby. Rich posted on April 3. HI,I need to find Mannington Esedra Naturals TD6. P 1. 3x. 13 ceramic tiles. These are discontinued and my kitchen counters and fireplace surround is done in this pattern. I need at least one to finish replacing my sink, and that is a emergency job. I would like to purchase 1. Anyone have any recommendations. Stacy posted on September 4, 2. I need Pergo Global Passage Dolce Mahogany Laminate to repair a water damaged floor. Ideally 4 5 boxes. Please let me know if anyone has any Thanks so much Item 2. Model 0. 80. 51. UPC 7. Valerie posted on October 2. Tarkett Scenic Buckeye Oak Natural Only in need of one or two cases. They have remade the product and added Plus to the name, but the connections dont match up. Thank you in advance. Michelle posted on November 3. Desperately need 2 3 cartons of Florida Tile Scottish Red W0. Had to replace basement plumbing and now need to repair the tile that was torn up. Any help greatly appreciated. Lee posted on February 6, 2. Im looking for any amount of Pergo Global Passage Malaysian Kempas laminate flooring. This flooring was exclusively sold at Lowes several years ago but was discontinued. Part numbers are PW8. PW 8. 05. 17, also Lowes 2. X 4. 8 X 38 thick with black beveled edges all around and a greenish foam cushion attached on the back. Please contact me if you have any amount of this flooring available for sale. Thank You in advance Jana posted on March 9, 2. Hi,I am looking for Wenge engineered flooring. Dimensions 3. 5 inch width x. I have been unsuccessful tracking this flooring down. Hope you can help. Thanks Jana. Andy posted on April 1. Looking for a few boxes 1 2 of Pergo Prodigy Weathered Wheat. Can be contacted at amaurer. Thanks,Andy. Stan. Harris posted on June 1. Hi Saffoke. 1 I would love to purchase three boxes of your Traffic Master Laminate Flooring Hampton Classic Oak. Kernel For Lotus Notes To Outlook Cracked. Can you please email me your contact information so that I can make arrangements with you. Thanks My phone number is 2. Lynn posted on June 2. I am looking for a few boxes of Traffic. Master Estate Oak. Thickness x 7 58 in. Wide x 4. 7 78 in. Length Laminate Flooring 2. Model 0. 5HDC1. Store SKU 2. Rick posted on July 2. Need 1 or 2 boxes of Armstrong Swiftlock Plus model L6. Heirloom Hickory. Need to repair damage in kitchen. Please contact Rick at 9. Day or Night. Anngela Foulks posted on September 1. I am in need of a box or two pf Traficmaster Hamptonn Honey Oak Laminate Flooring. Bought from Home Depot. HD0. 152. 03. 8 Planks per Box. Plank Size 7. 8. Please email me with price. Thanks afoulkszoomtown. David posted on January 1. I am looking for three boxes of both Wilsonart TapNLock Bronzed Terra and Canyon Terra Classic files. W3. 00. 01. 92 and W3. They are 1. 5. 5 square. I am looking for them but not having any luck. Can you help John P. September 4, 2. 01. Am looking for about 1. Pergo, Casual Living style, Brazilian Jatoba, code 0. Flooring pieces can be new or used or even fewer than 1. The Unspoken Truth Of Domestic Violence. U. S. womens soccer team goalkeeper Hope Solo appears in Kirkland Municipal Court on Monday, June 2. I approach this writing with some trepidation because it will run counter in some areas to the current debate regarding domestic violence. When wading in these highly volatile and controversial waters, one finds that disclaimers like life jackets must be affixed to the body of the argument. Violence against women. Women and girls make up 9. United States. In 2. Girls younger than 1. And pregnancy is consistently among the leading causes of death for girls aged 1. Incidents of domestic violence against women occur every 1. U. S. Add to those glaring examples of epidemic like violence against women figures collegeuniversity campus date rape statistics, the high rates of sexual assault in South Africa, the Save Our Girls campaign in Nigeria, and the list could go on and on. Yet, although violence against women and girls includes domestic violence, not all domestic violence features women and girls as the victims. Sometimes, the woman is the abuser. Let me be clear, the hesitance in speaking about female initiated domestic violence is rooted in a very real concern about what the discussion can give way to a dismissal and abnegation of the actual dangers women face. That, however, fails to be a compelling reason not to discuss the role of women in domestic violence. For example, an honest discussion about Israels occupation of Palestine need not devolve into anti Semitism. Neither does a hard look at real terrorism, perpetrated by entities such as the Islamic State, have to degenerate into Islamophobia. So, conversely, a sincere critique regarding the totality of domestic violence does not have to be reduced to a capitulation to misogyny and sexist insensitivity. Female initiated domestic abuse. Women are three times more likely to be killed or seriously injured by their male counterpart than vice versa. Though those numbers suggest a more dire need, they do not connote that women are completely innocent when it comes to domestic violence. More than 8. 30,0. A man is the victim of domestic abuse every 3. America. These numbers are not inconsequential and the frequency is far from insignificant. Jan Brown, executive director and founder of the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men, stated that domestic violence is not about size, gender, or strength. Its about abuse, control, and power, and getting out of dangerous situations and getting help, whether you are a woman being abused, or a man. In 2. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health collected data about the health of a nationally representative sample of 1. The study also asked subjects to answer questions about romantic or sexual relationships in which they had engaged during the previous five years and whether those relationships had involved violence. From this information researchers found that of the 1. Of the 2. 4 percent that were violent, half had been reciprocal and half had not reciprocal meaning there was violence inflicted by both partners. Although more men than women 5. This statistic was undoubtedly the most striking in committing acts of domestic violence, more women than men 2. In fact, in the 7. This flies in the face of the long held belief that female aggression in a relationship is most often predicated on self defense. Further, while injury was more likely when violence was perpetrated by men, in relationships that featured reciprocal violence men were injured more often 2. Great Britains Office of National Statistics also showed that while 1. U. K., men comprise 4. The Department of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach, compiled a bibliography that examined 2. Lets put this into perspective a significant amount of the findings regarding male as victim intimate partner violence came about as the result of studies and surveys that were aimed at understanding domestic violence against women. These are not studies conducted by rabid anti women mens groups or right wing think tanks. They were conducted by organizations like the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, the American Sociological Association, Psychology of Women Quarterly and the American Journal of Public Health, to name a few. And yet, these numbers prompt a resounding backlash. Accusations such as Youre saying abused women are asking for it, or Youre blaming the victim, get hurled. No person female or male is asking for it, and no victim female or male should be blamed for what is done to them. Im merely broadening the definitions of abuser and victim. If we are serious about addressing domestic violence, then we must deal with all of the incarnations of the realities of domestic violence. Mixed messages. This writer does not pretend to have all the answers when it comes to this issue, but this can be said with a great deal of certitude Confusing the very people one is trying to affect is not a sound strategy for change. If only one person in the relationship is supposed to exercise control, if both partners are not equally responsible for keeping a relationship respectful and free of violence, we will have succeeded in changing nothing. In recent months weve seen that the NFL has a confused policy in regard to domestic violence. For quite some time weve known that our court system has had a confused policy about domestic abuse. Their confusion reflects our societal misunderstanding of domestic violence and our muddled perceptions about gender. Men are told in one breath to shed their machismo and sexist leanings, and in the next they are told to man up and take the blows dealt to them by their female partners. Men are being told that phrases like, You throw like a girl, or You hit like a girl, have chauvinistic underpinnings, while simultaneously being told, It doesnt matter if she hits you because, essentially, she hits like a girl and you can handle it, big boy. So, while we recognize theres often a difference in the physical impact between male and females hitting each other, we completely disregard the emotional and psychological impacts and often even the physical harm of a woman hitting a man, whether it be with her hands, feet or objects. Just as we have done with women, we are trapping men in certain gender based stereotypical straightjackets. This leads to two very important questions that are rarely asked Is a woman ever responsible for a physical altercation that takes place between her and her male partner Does a man ever have the right to tell a woman to not put her hands on him and expect her to respect that Statistical and anecdotal data says the first question is barely acknowledged, and the second is treated by and large as an April Fools joke. The same protocols that are used to address domestic violence against women are used to handle domestic violence against men, and the research tells us that the same abusive behaviors and tactics demonstrated by men physical, verbal and emotional threats and intimidation are also demonstrated by women. And the fear and shame that is felt as a result of being abused, as well as the excuses made to cover up the abuse, are not gender specific. Additionally, some researchers estimate that about 2. There are signs, at least in the health care field, that these perceptions about men being the victims of intimate partner violence are beginning to change. The world renowned Mayo Clinic has posted helpful information for men who have been victims of domestic violence. I have practically lived at Mayo this year and can attest that the same questions that were once asked only of women in regard to domestic violence, are now being asked of men with great frequency. Child abuse. Courtesy of recent revelations surrounding NFL players, child abuse another form of domestic violence is also grabbing headlines. Program Stock Barang Php File© 2017