In the early 2. David Hilberts program to prove the consistency of foundational theories. Results of Kurt Gdel, Gerhard Gentzen, and others provided partial resolution to the program, and clarified the issues involved in proving consistency. Work in set theory showed that almost all ordinary mathematics can be formalized in terms of sets, although there are some theorems that cannot be proven in common axiom systems for set theory. Contemporary work in the foundations of mathematics often focuses on establishing which parts of mathematics can be formalized in particular formal systems as in reverse mathematics rather than trying to find theories in which all of mathematics can be developed. Subfields and scopeeditThe Handbook of Mathematical Logic Barwise 1. Each area has a distinct focus, although many techniques and results are shared among multiple areas. The borderlines amongst these fields, and the lines separating mathematical logic and other fields of mathematics, are not always sharp. Gdels incompleteness theorem marks not only a milestone in recursion theory and proof theory, but has also led to Lbs theorem in modal logic. This is the print version of Business Analysis Guidebook You wont see this message or any elements not part of the books content when you print or preview this page. TweetScoop. it TweetScoop. You can make effective decision tree diagrams and slides in PowerPoint using builtin PowerPoint features like shapes and connectors. The method of forcing is employed in set theory, model theory, and recursion theory, as well as in the study of intuitionistic mathematics. The mathematical field of category theory uses many formal axiomatic methods, and includes the study of categorical logic, but category theory is not ordinarily considered a subfield of mathematical logic. Because of its applicability in diverse fields of mathematics, mathematicians including Saunders Mac Lane have proposed category theory as a foundational system for mathematics, independent of set theory. These foundations use toposes, which resemble generalized models of set theory that may employ classical or nonclassical logic. HistoryeditMathematical logic emerged in the mid 1. Ferreirs 2. 00. 1, p. Mathematical logic, also called logistic, symbolic logic, the algebra of logic, and, more recently, simply formal logic, is the set of logical theories elaborated in the course of the last nineteenth century with the aid of an artificial notation and a rigorously deductive method. Before this emergence, logic was studied with rhetoric, with calculationes,3 through the syllogism, and with philosophy. The first half of the 2. Early historyeditTheories of logic were developed in many cultures in history, including China, India, Greece and the Islamic world. From Pdf To Music Xml. In 1. 8th century Europe, attempts to treat the operations of formal logic in a symbolic or algebraic way had been made by philosophical mathematicians including Leibniz and Lambert, but their labors remained isolated and little known. In the middle of the nineteenth century, George Boole and then Augustus De Morgan presented systematic mathematical treatments of logic. Their work, building on work by algebraists such as George Peacock, extended the traditional Aristotelian doctrine of logic into a sufficient framework for the study of foundations of mathematics Katz 1. Charles Sanders Peirce built upon the work of Boole to develop a logical system for relations and quantifiers, which he published in several papers from 1. Gottlob Frege presented an independent development of logic with quantifiers in his Begriffsschrift, published in 1. Freges work remained obscure, however, until Bertrand Russell began to promote it near the turn of the century. The two dimensional notation Frege developed was never widely adopted and is unused in contemporary texts. From 1. 89. 0 to 1. Ernst Schrder published Vorlesungen ber die Algebra der Logik in three volumes. This work summarized and extended the work of Boole, De Morgan, and Peirce, and was a comprehensive reference to symbolic logic as it was understood at the end of the 1. Foundational theorieseditConcerns that mathematics had not been built on a proper foundation led to the development of axiomatic systems for fundamental areas of mathematics such as arithmetic, analysis, and geometry. In logic, the term arithmetic refers to the theory of the natural numbers. Giuseppe Peano 1. Peano axioms, using a variation of the logical system of Boole and Schrder but adding quantifiers. Peano was unaware of Freges work at the time. Around the same time Richard Dedekind showed that the natural numbers are uniquely characterized by their induction properties. Dedekind 1. 88. 8 proposed a different characterization, which lacked the formal logical character of Peanos axioms. Dedekinds work, however, proved theorems inaccessible in Peanos system, including the uniqueness of the set of natural numbers up to isomorphism and the recursive definitions of addition and multiplication from the successor function and mathematical induction. In the mid 1. 9th century, flaws in Euclids axioms for geometry became known Katz 1. In addition to the independence of the parallel postulate, established by Nikolai Lobachevsky in 1. Lobachevsky 1. 84. Euclid were not in fact provable from his axioms. Among these is the theorem that a line contains at least two points, or that circles of the same radius whose centers are separated by that radius must intersect. Hilbert 1. 89. 9 developed a complete set of axioms for geometry, building on previous work by Pasch 1. The success in axiomatizing geometry motivated Hilbert to seek complete axiomatizations of other areas of mathematics, such as the natural numbers and the real line. This would prove to be a major area of research in the first half of the 2. The 1. 9th century saw great advances in the theory of real analysis, including theories of convergence of functions and Fourier series. Mathematicians such as Karl Weierstrass began to construct functions that stretched intuition, such as nowhere differentiable continuous functions. Previous conceptions of a function as a rule for computation, or a smooth graph, were no longer adequate. Weierstrass began to advocate the arithmetization of analysis, which sought to axiomatize analysis using properties of the natural numbers. The modern, definition of limit and continuous functions was already developed by Bolzano in 1. Felscher 2. 00. 0, but remained relatively unknown. Cauchy in 1. 82. 1 defined continuity in terms of infinitesimals see Cours dAnalyse, page 3. In 1. 85. 8, Dedekind proposed a definition of the real numbers in terms of Dedekind cuts of rational numbers Dedekind 1. Georg Cantor developed the fundamental concepts of infinite set theory. His early results developed the theory of cardinality and proved that the reals and the natural numbers have different cardinalities Cantor 1. Over the next twenty years, Cantor developed a theory of transfinite numbers in a series of publications. How to Create a Logic Model Pell Institute. Your Planned Work Step 1Resources include those aspects of your project which are available and dedicated or used by the programservice. Sometimes this component is referred to as Inputs or Assets and can include Human resources and talent e. Financial support e. Organizational tools e. Community contributions e. Supplies e. g., equipment, office space, books and materials, transportation, etc. In kind donations e. Other e. g., resources that are unique to your program, the region, state, etc. The process of defining resourcesassetsinputs is driven by a discussion about context and goals. A program might already have a mission statement, set of goals, or other document that outlines the main objectives of the organization. If the program is a part of a larger umbrella program such as TRIO or a state level program, also consider the specific mandates or guidelines of the larger organization as well. These documents should be the first point of contact for thinking through the logic model. Ask a few key questions related to these goals, such as. Does the missiongoal statement continue to reflect the kind of work that we do within this organization Who are our target populations and how do we carefully define them What assumptions do we make in achieving our goals What resources are available to meet these goalsWithin some logic model examples, you will see these resources also listed as inputs or assets. These general questions also serve as a means for gauging whether or not the evaluation team members are in agreement about the main goals of the organization. Responding to these questions as a group and being able to build cohesion around these questions is crucial to guiding the next parts of the logic modeling process. Your Planned Work Step 2Activities are what the programservice actually does with the inputs in alignment with its mission. One way to approach activities is to answer the question, What do we do Your activities are what your program does with the resources that are the intentional part of the program implementation. Activities can include Connecting program goals and action drives the process for defining program services activities Once your group has determined your goals, assumptions, and resources, the next step in the logic modeling process is to create a list of the kinds of programs and services that are offered through your organization. Here are a few guiding thoughts on making your initial list of activities. Create a full list of the kinds of services and activities that your organization provides to its constituents. Try not to forecast what might or might not be as important as other activities while making the initial list. As a result of your initial discussion, you may come to two possible outcomes. There are programs and services offered that do not completely link to your organizations goals. There may be additional services that are needed but not currently offered. When you use the logic model as part of the overall program evaluation process, this experience will help inform your findings and future planning. You may realize, for example, that while you have a goal for increasing academic preparation for your student population, you offer only one academic prep program and ten socialization activities. Discoveries like these reveal issues with the alignment of your program services to your overall goals. A re prioritization of your activities to meet your goals may be necessary. These findings are also related to how you might evaluate your short term and long term accomplishments. Other details about program services to provide may include. Number of services. Number of hours. The time of day services are provided i. The days for your program activities i. SaturdayExamples of Program Activities Summer Bridge. Student Career and College Planning Assessments. Student College Tours. Parent College Tours. Student Advising or Mentoring. FAFSA Completion Workshops. Financial Literacy Workshops. Your Intended Results Step 3Outputs link the activities or services delivered by the program with the target audiences. The audience are those who participate in your program and will benefit from its services. One way to define the participants is by asking the questions What are our program goals and Who do our program activities or services reach Thus, outputs may define the tangible accomplishments which result from the activities. Types of participants in the program can include Students. Parents. TeachersFaculty. Counselors. Principals. Administrators. Decision makers. Community leaders. Define the participant levels of the audience. For example, if the targeted participants in the program activities are students, the following details define which students program services reaches Student levels may include. Middle school grades. High school Freshmen, Sophomore, Juniors andor SeniorsCollege level students. Adult students. Other student targets may include. Student economic levels i. Student gender andor ethnic groups e. Hispanic malesStudent social status i. ESL learners, etc. Veterans. Students with disabilities. Details about the students that are pertinent to the program goals and implementation can include. Number of students recruited. Number of students receiving assistance. Finally, ask whether the program outputs connect to the types of outcomes being hoped for If, for example, the financial aid application goals and the financial aid application completion are all viewed as short term outcomes, then the activities or services should be clearly identified as well as the appropriately targeted participants or program activity recipients defined in the output cycle that will result in that goal. If the participants are only eigth or ninth graders, a re prioritization of the activities or participants to meet the goal may be necessary. Your Intended Results Step 4Outcomes are the immediate specific measurable changes in program participants level of functioning. Outcomes are the short term, as oppose to medium term or long term results expected to achieve in 1 3 years after a program activity is underway. Short term outcomes are usually expressed at an individual level among program participants. The changes in the participants that result from program activities include. Attitudes e. g. , increased number of student aspiring to go to collegeBehavior e. Knowledge e. g. , a greater awareness of steps to college, higher test score among certain studentsSkills e. Status e. g., increase number of students transitioning to next grade level, more students enroll in and complete college The following are questions to consider for developing the outcomes in your logic model What are the overarching assumptions of your model For example, does your team believe the overlapping workshops are the key to success Or that different types of workshops might be more meaningful to different grade levels Are your outcomes truly measurable There is a quantitative difference between setting 9. Make Outcomes SMART Specific. Measurable. Action oriented. Realistic. Timed Outcome time frames Short term outcomes should be attainable within 1 3 years. Longer term outcomes should be achievable within a 4 6 year. The logical progression from short term to long term outcomes should be reflected in impact occurring within about 7 1. Your Intended Results Step 5Impact is the fundamental intended or unintended change occurring in organizations, communities, or systems as a result of program activities within 7 1. The impact of a program is the long term outcomes that are hard to directly connect to the activities or services in your program. However, the impact represents a logical progression from the measurable short term outcomes to the long term outcomes within the 7 1.
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